Striving to balance my internet world with my multifaceted offline world............
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Fathers Day
Even though you aren't here Dad, I am thinking of the man you were, the affect you've had on my life, and your legacy.
You are not forgotten. Missing you this day and loving you always.
Happy Father's Day Dad!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I've made some tough decisions of late, and with much thought and agonizing, finally I came to terms with a biggie. I stepped down from a role that brought me joy for a number of years. However, the role was time consuming, and I was on 'duty' or felt like it 24/7! It became time to move on to new uncharted territory!
Within a couple of weeks, I discovered a new focus. A brand new role presented itself, that would allow me such personal growth and professional development, I seized the opportunity!
I'm back to being excited and thrilled with what is going to be yet again a path of new self discovery. Yesterday my boss made an offer that was so unexpected, and has so touched me. A kind generous offer that actually brought a tear to my eye. She sees it, she 'gets it'. She sees who I am, and what inspires me.
I am indeed incredibly fortunate and I am ever so grateful. Grateful for my own ongoing quest for self discovery, the growth that is so part of who I am, and has been my entire life.
People that see what is in me, and are encouraging me, mentoring me to be the very best me I can be.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Balancing Act!

I am struggling to make a decision - that for others it seems it should be a no-brainer. For me it is agonizing, the process that I need to go through to make the decision. And I know this process cannot be rushed - or down the road I'll question myself, did I make the right decision - for me truly?
It boils down to the fact I've taken on too many projects. I am stressed ALL the time, I can't sleep at night, for my thoughts are always turning to the one volunteer tole that has been my 'baby' for nearly three years. And I've loved doing it. This year it seems I've had more work to do for this role than ever before. The email alone it generates, is frankly insane to try to keep on top of on a day to day basis.
This year it seems my life has been taking some major detours, and I'm going down roadways I've never explored before!
I can pro and con the decision till I am blue in the face, it doesn't make the decision any easier!
So, it lurks in my mind, do I step down in a volunteer role I used to love to do, or do I see out one more year of it and hope that it does get better?
What to do, what to do?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Water and Yarn Challenge!
First off, a friend and I made a challenge. We each have to drink 7 glasses of water per day for TWO months! The winner of this challenge buys the other friend $30.00 worth of yarn.
Since we are both avid knitters and we've both been trying to reduce the 'stash' on hand.. it seemed like a GREAT idea! I' had put myself on the ultimate 'yarn diet', and challenged myself to NOT buy any more yarn for 4 months. The day of June 20 I will be at the local yarn store - pronto!!
What was I thinking? The water challenge is much more difficult than the 'yarn diet'! I'm one of those gals that drink on a good day - maybe 2 glasses of water - maybe!
Now the first week was a tough one, I was grouchy, and having to get up in the middle of the night did not add to my mood!
It's been a few weeks now, and it is becoming a habit to chug down the water throughout the day, so that at 9pm, (my bedtime) I'm not in a panic to get a lot of water in me but quick!
I may not have the *dewy* skin, yet, but I'm sure going to try damned hard to win the coveted prize of some gorgeous, beautiful yarn - of my choice! Hmm.. a beautiful amber perhaps, or a cobalt blue?
Ah , stay tuned !
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Caffeine Alternative
So, today, I created an alternative to my usual coffee fix every morning. I was tempted, I have to say to hear that drip, drip of the coffee maker, and especially, smelling the fragrance of the coffee, but no.... instead I created something, healthier, and tastier....
One of my favourite smoothies! And it is delicious. Creamy, fruity and satisfying. It seems a bit unusual on this -20c morning, with a good 17 cm of snow fallen outside, to drink something that's cold, but the aim here is to get a healthier way of living going.
Today's concoction was kind of fun to put together. I'm one to create a recipe, rather than follow one, and I have always found it more fun to experiment with food/recipes.
Today it is a Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie.
To make: put in a blender, about 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of orange juice, 4-5 chopped strawberries, and 1/2 a cut up kiwi. Normally, I'd add a few ice cubes, say on a hot day, but this is satisfying, healthy and more importantly ......Mmmmm good!

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
2011 has infinite possibilities and it feels great to embark on a new year with my list of goals.
Live. Love. Learn. Laugh. That pretty much captures allll that is within my 2011 List of Goals!
What is on my List of Goals ?
A few of my goals are that I will write more, read more, and see more movies!
Writing is part of who I am, I've never stopped writing, it just takes different forms from time to time. The old blog has been archived, as it is part of my history, and who I've become today.
This blog will have a new direction, a new attitude as this is a new time in my life, I really look forward to this new year, and all experiences that it shall bring! So it is the perfect timing for me to blog (again and more often)
Reading those books that have been sitting on my bookshelf for a lonnnnngggg while or deserve a re-read). Yes, I'm hopeful that I will discover and enjoy many other great books too! Perhaps this will be the year I join a book club! My first read of 2011 is yet to be determined.... I'll be perusing the bookshelf today... !
I am going to watch the Academy Award Winners for the Best Picture for the past 15 years. I figure, it may get me watching movies, I might normally not have chosen, and it sounded like a good goal! So first up is the movie The Hurt Locker (winner for 2009).

Yep, just a few of my goals, for this year. What are your goals for 2011?