Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Caffeine Alternative

I've decided for this week, I am going to cut down on my caffeine intake. I do love my java, but unfortunately it does not love me. Being jittery from coffee is not a good thing! And the way it messes with my sleep patterns, it is time to take action, and start with some healthier alternatives. I'll aim to have coffee every other day, to avoid those nasty caffeine headaches, one tends to get when going cold turkey!

So, today, I created an alternative to my usual coffee fix every morning. I was tempted, I have to say to hear that drip, drip of the coffee maker, and especially, smelling the fragrance of the coffee, but no.... instead I created something, healthier, and tastier....

One of my favourite smoothies! And it is delicious. Creamy, fruity and satisfying. It seems a bit unusual on this -20c morning, with a good 17 cm of snow fallen outside, to drink something that's cold, but the aim here is to get a healthier way of living going.

Today's concoction was kind of fun to put together. I'm one to create a recipe, rather than follow one, and I have always found it more fun to experiment with food/recipes.

Today it is a Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie.

To make: put in a blender, about 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of orange juice, 4-5 chopped strawberries, and 1/2 a cut up kiwi. Normally, I'd add a few ice cubes, say on a hot day, but this is satisfying, healthy and more importantly ......Mmmmm good!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

May this be a year that brings you joy, happiness and laughter !

2011 has infinite possibilities and it feels great to embark on a new year with my list of goals.
Live. Love. Learn. Laugh. That pretty much captures allll that is within my 2011 List of Goals!

What is on my List of Goals ?

A few of my goals are that I will write more, read more, and see more movies!

Writing is part of who I am, I've never stopped writing, it just takes different forms from time to time. The old blog has been archived, as it is part of my history, and who I've become today.

This blog will have a new direction, a new attitude as this is a new time in my life, I really look forward to this new year, and all experiences that it shall bring! So it is the perfect timing for me to blog (again and more often)

Reading those books that have been sitting on my bookshelf for a lonnnnngggg while or deserve a re-read). Yes, I'm hopeful that I will discover and enjoy many other great books too! Perhaps this will be the year I join a book club! My first read of 2011 is yet to be determined.... I'll be perusing the bookshelf today... !

I am going to watch the Academy Award Winners for the Best Picture for the past 15 years. I figure, it may get me watching movies, I might normally not have chosen, and it sounded like a good goal! So first up is the movie The Hurt Locker (winner for 2009).

Yep, just a few of my goals, for this year. What are your goals for 2011?